“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”

-Albus Dumbledore

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Harry Potter Never Ends!

Click here for a free okapi. (picture at the bottom)

Thanks for the post Anna! It was very enjoyable. I especially loved the oxford comma usage and promotion. 

I agree that Harry can be incredibly dumb sometimes. I guess he got his common sense from his dad. Good thing he's got Hermione! 

Speaking of Harry Potter, here's a list of 7 (see what I did there) books that JK Rowling needs to write. WARNING. SPOILERS AHEAD FOR THOSE WHO NEED TO HURRY UP AND READ.

1. The Story of the Mauraders. Obviously. How amazing would it be to read about Sirius and James and Remus and Peter together and think of how hilarious that book would be! It could also be pretty sad too, like Remus being scared to tell his friends about his "furry little problem" and Sirius leaving his family and living with James. I want this so badly!

2. The Creation of Hogwarts. Seeing what the wizarding world was like back then, learning more about the founders of Hogwarts, I bet there could be an amazing Room of Requirement backstory, and just general wizarding awesomeness? Yes, please!

3. Dumbledore and Grindlewald. Of course. This would be so cool because any story with a lot of Dumbledore is always amazing. Learning more about Dumbledore's childhood, friendship with Grindlewald, the Hallows. 

4. I think a book from Draco's point of view would be absolutely AMAZING. So so so interesting, plus we get to learn about the Death Eaters and Voldemort's whole operation. I think Draco has a great story.

5. Doctor Who and Harry Potter crossover. Doesn't even have to be during the time Harry's at Hogwarts. Maybe the Doctor comes to Hogwarts and discovers some weird alien thing going on. There are so many possibilities. 

6. What would have happened if James and Lily had never died? If Wormtail had never betrayed them? If Sirius never had to go to Azkaban? If Harry would have grown up in the wizarding world? Would Snape still be on Dumbledore's side? What would stay the same? What would be completely different? What would that mean for the prophecy? I would love to know!

7. Epilogue story. Adventures with Harry and Ron as Aurors, George dealing with Fred's death, more of Hermione being amazing, sending their kids to Hogwarts, Neville being the best professor ever, Teddy becoming a part of their family, and just general tying up loose ends and extending the story. 

As promised, here is a picture of the Okapi. 


Wednesday 15 October 2014

Twice in a row? Could this really be happening?

Click here for a free jellyfish hat!

Long time no see Beth!

I just realized what a weird expression that is. It's completely grammatically incorrect. Although it is shorter than saying, "It's been a long time since I've seen you, Beth."


No, you're not seeing things, Hannah actually is keeping her promise and posting again. What a shock, hey?

Someday I'm going to forget that I ever saved all those pictures from my last post to this computer. When that day comes, I'm going to be really confused.  I saved some of those pictures with really weird names, like "brace apocolypse", "gangster hank", "cha cha cat", "i can't find my haibrush" and "turtle on fire". 

That will be exciting. 


Over the summer I read a book called The Perks of Being a Wallflower which I am sure you have heard of, because it is very popular and also they sort of recently made a movie about it in which Emma Watson played one of the main characters. (I haven't seen the movie yet. But I really want to.)

The book is very, very good. Probably one of my favourite books. It's hard to describe how awesome it is, actually. I don't know if you've read it or not, but I'm going to describe it to you anyway. 

It's about this boy named Charlie, who is in his first year of high school. The entire book is made up of letters Charlie writes "to a friend". They don't really feel like letters though. Charlie's a little weird to most people his age, he seems too serious and shy and naive. He hardly has any friends at the beginning of the book, but then he meets these two people, Sam and Patrick. (Sam's a girl by the way.) Sam and Patrick become his best friends, and they introduce him to a bunch of other people he gets to know. Charlie also has this English teacher who gives all these books to him privately and gets him to write essays about them. He becomes kind of a friend to Charlie too. The book follows Charlie and his friends during the entire year. 

That's basically what it's about. But more than that, it's about being an outsider, about friendship, about whether you should be being passive or passionate in life, about being in high school, about running from your life, about not knowing what you're feeling, and about growing up.  

It's really good. You should read it, if you haven't already. 

I want to see the movie so bad. At first I was like, "who would ruin this book with a movie?" but then I learned that the author, Steven Chbosky, wrote and directed the movie. So. I bet it's pretty good. 

I'm sure you've seen some quotes from the book on Pinterest. It's a very quotable book. Some of my favourites are:

“So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them.” 

“It's strange because sometimes, I read a book, and I think I am the people in the book.” 

“She wasn't bitter. She was sad, though. But it was a hopeful kind of sad. The kind of sad that just takes time. ” 

“I don’t know if you’ve ever felt like that. That you wanted to sleep for a thousand years. Or just not exist. Or just not be aware that you do exist. Or something like that. I think wanting that is very morbid, but I want it when I get like this. That’s why I’m trying not to think. I just want it all to stop spinning.” 

“Sometimes, I look outside, and I think that a lot of other people have seen this snow before. Just like I think that a lot of other people have read those books before. And listened to those songs.
I wonder how they feel tonight.” 

So there you go. Hope you liked the review. 


Beth's blog: http://beth.120crayons.com

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Exploring Pinterest

Click here for a singing broccoli! (You don't actually have to click on the link today. You might just want to read my last post.)

Hi Beth! So I realize that I am short one post to complete my punishment for missing a Tuesday. However, I think that because this punishment is unique, and not technically in our rules, I should be able to write another post tomorrow that will finish off this torture (kidding. kidding). Does that sound alright? I hope so. 

Remember that one day a few years ago when you were at my house and all we did was go on pinterest together and show each other the cool things we saw? And remember how that was so much fun? Well, I kinda wanted to do that again, but this time through our blogging adventure (we never did pick a name). Finding pictures to post isn't any less work than writing some random thoughts after all! So without further ado...

This is my favourite. It is me, completely, totally, everyday, my entire life.

This one always makes me laugh, and always makes me feel nostalgic for Veggie Tales

This is me in group projects.

I KNOW you've already seen this, because you showed it to me just last weekend, but it makes me laugh so hard everytime I just had to choose it. 


I was so happy when I found this gif. It makes me smile every time.

I really don't like when people say this. Whoever wrote this tumblr post is my hero.

I will never, ever, ever get tired of this picture. Ever. I will love this picture until I die.

I always laugh at this. Every time. I don't know why, it's kinda stupid, but I just love it.

First of all YES. Second of all, where do people come up with these ideas? I would like all that creativity and imagination for myself, please.

I want this so bad! I think it's amazing! There is no shortage of cute Harry Potter things in the world.

I can't stand how much this is amazing. I can't help but burst out laughing each time I see it. Is it not the best thing ever?

And finally, I will leave you with my favourite gif, probably of all time.

I know, right?


Saturday 11 October 2014

I don't know.

Click here for a free llama bush! 


I just really felt like doing that. 

I don't like wearing sweats/yoga pants/leggings either. Jeans are my most comfortable pants. 

Wow Beth. Thanks for giving me the hardest question ever. I have no idea where to begin. 

I did watch Idea Channel's video, and I really liked it. I like that channel, but sometimes there's too much information in each video for me to understand.

(yes, I know. That last sentence.)

I like knowing things. A lot. Way more than not knowing things. That's why I watched all John's Crash Course World History videos for fun. And guess what? I wouldn't have been able to learn and then know all that world history in such an interesting, engaging, simple, and fast way without the internet. 
I don't think I've lost the romance of knowing. I still love when I learn something cool on the internet, and I still think it's amazing when I finish reading a tumblr post and all the information and ideas in it are amazing. But that doesn't mean everyone hasn't lost that. And I think a lot of people never had it in the first place. 

I love the library analogy so much. 
It really depends on the person though, because some people will find a few books with things they're interested in and spead time reading each one from start to finish. And some people will sit in the library and not even look around and complain about there being too many books. And some people will be overwhelmed by how many options they have and pick more books then they're allowed to take home, and then never have time to read each one carefully. 
I'm often overwhelmed by just how many things there are to read, to watch, to learn on the internet. Especially on Youtube, I'm constantly thinking, "do you really need to subscribe to another person? Really?" and then I'll find another interesting Youtuber and spend hours watching all of their videos. And then another. And another. But sometimes I'll find an interesting article and read it and feel more fulfilled and more knowledgeble than I did before. And I didn't have to go all the way to a library to feel that way. 

I like being able to look up any fact about anything that I'm wondering about. But like in the idea channel video, are knowing facts about something the same thing as knowledge? I think in most cases, yes. Often when I look up something, it makes me want to know more things, or it puts together a lot of other things I know. 

Anyway, I think people nowadays definitely know more stuff.

 Actually, I'm not sure. We know more about some things, that's for sure. Are we smarter, or more intelligent, or better, more well-rounded people? Well. Hmmm. 

I asked my dad about this, and at first he said, no, we don't know more stuff, because people look things up and then forget it right away. He said we definitely have more access to knowing things now. Then I asked him if he really thought, that overall people know less stuff than they used to, and then he said he wasn't sure. People share information more now, and there is more information to know and access. So he was stumped too. 

I can't really answer this. Thanks for putting me through that. Now it's your turn! 


Beth's Blog: http://beth.120crayons.com

Tuesday 7 October 2014

People are weird. Some things I do make me even weirder.


Hi Beth! This post will be quite short as I don't have much time today, but don't you fret, my next post will be twice as long as normal. And next post I will adress your question, I promise. Also, for my punishment I'm assuming Saturday and Sunday count as a part of this week.

I loved your post about homeschooling. I find it very interesting. Are you using John's Crash Course videos for your world history education? I like those ones a lot. 

Something I've just been told that no one else does but I do: When I have a song in my head, I use my hands and my arms to show the rhythm of the song. It's not just tapping along to the song. I will wave my arms or punch the air to the beat or kind of "conduct" the song in the air while singing the song in my head. I've have just been told by a friend that this isn't normal, and that I look quite strange while doing it. I couldn't understand this, but then I pictured someone moving their hands around in the air in a seemingly random pattern while completely silent and staring off into space, and yeah, I can see how that might look a little weird. 

So, do you do anything like that? Have you heard of anyone doing what I do before? What's something you do that seems like no one else does?