“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”

-Albus Dumbledore

Tuesday 10 June 2014

First Post! (Saying Hello, TFIOS, and Naming)

Hello Beth! Welcome to the first post of.........something.
That's my first question for today, Beth. Whatever do we call this thing which we are doing? We need a name! Let's think of something awesome. 

Also, My blog looks really horrible compared to yours, but I'm working on it, okay?

Wait, should I explain to our (imaginary) audience what we are actually doing? Here's the quick version. We (as in me and Beth) are going to post on our blogs back and forth, addressing each other and replying to the other person's posts. There. Now everyone knows what's going on. 

So, for my first post on this blog, I have decided to talk about, what else, but The Fault in our Stars. 

As you most certainly know, I love tfios. As you also most certainly know, so do many, many, many other people. As I was looking through the Nerdfighteria forums, I came across a discussion about tfios becoming so popular / mainstream. Lot's of people said they didn't like that it was so popular, many others said they liked it, and most people said that they were proud of John, however, they wished the book had stayed a little more private. 

So, my opinion. Tfios is an incredible book. Of course so many people were going to read it and love it. I'm very proud of John and his success. And I definitely am glad tfios did so well. Except.....sometimes stuff bugs me. Now there are all these people who have read the book that have no idea who Hank is, who Esther is, who the Vlogbrothers are, or any of that stuff. Which isn't a bad thing - that's not their fault. I discovered Nerdfighteria and the Vlogbrothers through tfios myself. What bugs me is when people don't understand the book and just dismiss it as a cancer book, or a love story. Which, yes, there is cancer and love in the book. But that's not what it is fundamentally about. I'm not saying everyone who reads the book and isn't a Nerdfighter or doesn't really like it is a bad person, it's just, just, just.... you know?  Do you? 

So yeah, my question for you is, how do you feel about the popularity of tfios? And do you get what I mean about people not understanding the book? 

By the way, I'm so glad you understand and like tfios. 

I guess that's the end of the first installment of this adventure! DFTBA!

Beth's blog: http://beth.120crayons.com/

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