“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”

-Albus Dumbledore

Tuesday 17 June 2014

The post in which I am not able to form coherent thoughts about your very hard question.

Hello hello hello Beth! The adventure continues!

I haven't been able to think of a great name, however I will keep trying. You are more creative and witty than I am, (don't deny it, you know it's true), so I'm thinking you'll probably be the one to have the revelation of The Perfect Name for the Thing. ANYWAY....

You asked me an  interesting question - I haven't quite made up my mind yet. For our imaginary audience, you might want to click here before continuing.

SO. In order for me to answer this question, I sort of have to have a definition of Nerdfighteria and what being a Nerdfighter is. Unfortunately, I don't have one that is formed enough to work with. That also makes me think about, if everyone was a Nerdfighter, does that mean that everyone acts and thinks "like a Nerdfighter" and likes "Nerdfighter Stuff"? Or does it just mean that everyone acts and thinks the way we do now, but is a part of the community of Nerdfighteria? It's hard to decide either way.

 In the first option, we would still have all this stuff in common to talk about, and like together. But I think part of what makes Nerdfighteria such a strong community is that there are other people who aren't Nerdfighters. It's not like there's an Us vs. Them thing, but for a lot of people Nerdfighteria is a place to know that there are other people you can relate to. It's a place that kinda makes people feel special. I would, of course, love more people to be interested in "Nerdfighter Stuff", and then everyone could relate to everyone!  However I think it's important for there to be differences between people, obviously, and I think if everyone was a Nerdfighter we would sort of loose something. I don't know Beth, is this answering the question? I'm rambling a lot, I can't really figure out how to say what I'm thinking.

In the second option, I think that the world would be a stronger community, but I don't really think it would still feel like Nerdfighteria. So for a final answer, no, I don't think Nerdfighteria would still be Nerdfighteria. But I'm not certain.

No question for you today, Beth! You're free to write aboutvwhatever you would like!


In case, you, the imaginary audience, missed it before, here is Beth's blog. beth.120crayons.com

1 comment:

  1. This is in fact something which I neither know or agree with, and if you don't believe me then you are just wrong, which you should stop being. So no, I don't think I am more witty or creative. More of my own incoherent thoughts to follow on Friday.
