“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”

-Albus Dumbledore

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Alert! Alert! The Robots are Coming! (as well as a punishment)

Click this link if you want.        I'm not going to force you.        But you can.      If you want. 

Hello. This is a big moment in history, as this is the first time a punishment has been issued. To me, as some of you may know. So. Look forward to reading my punishment post next Tuesday. 

I haven't posted in a while, because of vacation and forgetfulness, so that leaves me a lot to respond to. I hope to someday get to some of it.  

I really enjoyed your lumps of mush post and your amazing pictures of light stuff, by the way. I think about brains and all their complexity and wonderment a lot. It boggles my mind, which is weird because the very fact that my mind can be boggled boggles me. 

SO. This post is going to be about a video. It's by a Youtuber known as CGPGrey*, whom I know you have seen before. You may subscribe to him and have already seen this video, in which case, bear with me until the questions. 

This video was called Humans Need Not Apply and it was about robots. Which may sound weird, but it was actually a very interesting and worrying and slightly terrifying video. I think you should watch it, and when I say you, I mean Beth and also the imaginary audience. It's one of those things that you just want to show everyone you can, including the president of every country. I have a lot of questions about it, but one is this - are robots, in time, actually capable of replacing humans entirely? I'm not asking if they're actually going to, I'm asking if they're capable. I immediately want to reject this, and one of the most logical reasons I have is: don't we need humans to repair robots and create new ones? However, couldn't robots eventually learn how to fix themselves and other robots, just as humans have learned to do the same? And couldn't robots become advanced enough to create more robots? But how would they get that material? Are they able to just create it? I don't know. I'm not a robot expert. What do you think, Beth?

I'll see you and the imaginary audience with my punishment on Tuesdaaaayyyy! 


Beth's Blog: http://beth.120crayons.com/

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