“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”

-Albus Dumbledore

Tuesday 30 September 2014

The Weirdness of People and the Way our Minds Work

Link it up people! You know what to do!

Hello Beth. As you said,  I am extremely good at sticking to schedules. You may punish me in the way you suggested, but I  think I'll start that next week for two reasons. 1. It's already almost the middle of the week and 2. I have quite a bit of homework this week. Granted, I'll probably have a lot of homework next week too, but whatever. It's what I'm doing. 

You are quite right Beth, people are weird. 

 I don't know, there may actually be a scientific explanation for this, but isn't it weird how we think that certain colour combinations are good and others bad? I have no idea why I think that teal and orange looks super cool together but pink and red looks horrible. I just do. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, it all has to do with the colour wheel and complimentary colours and all that, but still. I think that's weird. 

Also, reading is strange. Why do some people like to do it and others don't? How come I can look at these symbols on a paper and form a story in my head that can make me laugh and cry and how come I can change what the story sounds like in my head by writing the SYMBOLS LIKE THIS or writing like this. And then I can tell that some symbols on a page are better than others. WEIRD!

Isn't eating weird? Especially the part where you think that certain flavours taste better than others. And the part where some things are okay to eat but some things aren't. And people just have these specific times in the day where we stop everything and get out some stuff called food and put it into these little holes on our faces where we mush up the food and then force it to go down our throat into our stomach where we get energy and nutrients and stuff. But then we prefer to mush up some food and force it down our throats more than other foods. That's just weird. 

Question! What are the pros and cons of homeschooling in your opinion? And also is there a specific length that each post has to be for my punishment?


Beth's blog: http://beth.120crayons.com

Tuesday 16 September 2014

A Look in my Brain: Waterproof Books and Murder

LINK!Click it! Now! Or else! (Just kidding. Please click it if you want to.)

Hi Beth! Notice I didn't forget to post today! Before I start, I have several things to address.

1. Squirrel's tails are indeed magical

2. Gazump. Yes. I like it.

3. Your musical education sounds very fun. I would be very interested to know what else you are doing in school these days.

4. The ninth thing on your list of random things was very funny. I quite enjoy those little glimpses into your brain, you should post more of them. And on that note, I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into my brain. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

- LCS should invest in some more picnic tables. Seriously. They have all that empty space in-between the old building and the new one, they should do something with it instead of leaving it useless. I would love to have somewhere to sit outside at lunch instead of on the grass or on the sidewalk.

- You know what I think is the worst? Show-offy people at school. I have several in my class right now and OH MY GOODNESS SO ANNOYING WE GET THAT YOU CAN DRAW AND DANCE AND PLAY SAXOPHONE AND ARE GOOD AT MATH ALREADY!

- The team that was just eliminated from the Amazing Race Canada today are two people that I genuinely want to murder.

- There's a new wooden bed frame sitting beside me in my room and it's woody smell is distracting me.

- Mirrors are so strange. I'm looking at my eye....with my eye! Woah.

- Why aren't all books waterproof already? Can I please read my book in the shower?

- I will die soon if I don't watch the next Doctor Who episodes. Can you give them to Anna and I'll find her at school?

Hope you liked it, at least a little bit.


Beth'sBlog: beth.120crayons.com

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Can one person really be so forgetful as to forget to post on their day right after they just completed a punishment for forgetting to post?

The answer? Apparently so.

(Also, here's a link. You know what to do.)

It's true, imaginary audience, I forgot to post on my day once again. I PROMISE I'll be better. I promise. I might even do an extra post this week to make up for it. 

My punishment, for those imaginary people who don't know: 500 words on the importance of embarrassing children in public, as well as examples of the best ways to do so. 

Here we go. 

I have been blessed with an extremely embarrassing mother and father. And really, my whole family seems to have it in their heads that embarrassing me is the absolute best thing to do in public. One reason this may be important is that it gives your child lots of entertaining stories to tell. For example, I have often told the tale of how my mom was subbing as an E.A. in my gr. 7 math class, when she fainted right on top of a classmate. She fainted. In my class. On top of a boy. My Mom. If you would like to embarrass your child, that is a surefire way to do so. On the plus side of this, it was one of the most memorable and funny moments of grade seven people talked about at the end of the year. Another important reason to embarrass your child is because it provides them with the necessary skills of hiding and camouflaging themselves into their surroundings. You never know when you might need to find a fast hiding spot, and embarrassing your child often we help them learn to do this at a moments notice. 

A very good way to teach this to your child is to sing a cheesy love song as loud as possible in a public area. For example, on a family road trip we had just finished watching a movie, and our family walked into a gas station store together. My mom took it upon herself to sing the song "I've Been Dreaming of a True Love's Kiss" (a song from the movie we had just watched) extremely loud inside the store. Of course, years of practise had prepared me, and I quickly hid inside the aisles so nobody knew I was related to that crazy person. 

The last important reason to embarrass your child is because a childhood is not complete without a few traumatic memories. Seriously. It makes people stronger. And maybe very distrustful of their parents in public. But it makes them stronger. I have many memories of my mom threatening to say something embarrassing out loud in public, and me terrified she would actually do so. I never know when to trust her. I guess that's made me better at performing under pressure, and bargaining with people to stop doing something. Maybe something good has come out of all this embarrassment after all.

I need about a hundred more words, so now I'm going to talk about how my mom is not very good at whispering. Seriously. We'll be sitting in a crowded public place, and she'll start talking. Maybe she'll start talking about the people sitting in front of us. Except, she won't be talking in a super quiet, barely audible whisper, no, she'll be speaking loud enough not just for the people in front of us to hear, but for people across the room to hear! (well, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit). There have been countless times I have been so worried that the people my mom is talking about can hear every word she is saying. So embarrassing!
Hopefully that will be my last punishment for awhile! 


Beth's blog: http://beth.120crayons.com/