“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”

-Albus Dumbledore

Tuesday 30 September 2014

The Weirdness of People and the Way our Minds Work

Link it up people! You know what to do!

Hello Beth. As you said,  I am extremely good at sticking to schedules. You may punish me in the way you suggested, but I  think I'll start that next week for two reasons. 1. It's already almost the middle of the week and 2. I have quite a bit of homework this week. Granted, I'll probably have a lot of homework next week too, but whatever. It's what I'm doing. 

You are quite right Beth, people are weird. 

 I don't know, there may actually be a scientific explanation for this, but isn't it weird how we think that certain colour combinations are good and others bad? I have no idea why I think that teal and orange looks super cool together but pink and red looks horrible. I just do. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, it all has to do with the colour wheel and complimentary colours and all that, but still. I think that's weird. 

Also, reading is strange. Why do some people like to do it and others don't? How come I can look at these symbols on a paper and form a story in my head that can make me laugh and cry and how come I can change what the story sounds like in my head by writing the SYMBOLS LIKE THIS or writing like this. And then I can tell that some symbols on a page are better than others. WEIRD!

Isn't eating weird? Especially the part where you think that certain flavours taste better than others. And the part where some things are okay to eat but some things aren't. And people just have these specific times in the day where we stop everything and get out some stuff called food and put it into these little holes on our faces where we mush up the food and then force it to go down our throat into our stomach where we get energy and nutrients and stuff. But then we prefer to mush up some food and force it down our throats more than other foods. That's just weird. 

Question! What are the pros and cons of homeschooling in your opinion? And also is there a specific length that each post has to be for my punishment?


Beth's blog: http://beth.120crayons.com

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