“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”

-Albus Dumbledore

Tuesday 22 July 2014

The Great HP (not the printer)

Clickity clickity clickity! Click this link and read it first, imaginary audience!

Hello there Beth! I only have about 2 and a half hours left to write this post or I will be punished. That shouldn't be too hard, the only problem is that I can't think of any ideas. Well, that's not exactly true. I have plenty of ideas of things to write about, some good and some ridiculous (thanks mom!), but I just don't feel like writing about any of them today. So I've decided to put those ideas on hold until a day I want to use them, okay? Okay. 

So what am I going to write about today, you may be wondering. Well, I think I'll just write about the first thing that comes to mind, which is also the thing that is always on my mind. Which is, of course, Harry Potter. 

Ah yes. The great Harry Potter. But what exactly about Harry Potter should I write? You know what, I think I'm going to write about my favourite Harry Potter book. By the way, I'm going to try to write this post without spoilers as my dad may read this and I don't want him to be spoiled. 

So, my favourite HP book:

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! Yup, number 6 is the HP book I enjoy the most. It's an unsual choice; no one else I've met has had it as their favourite. Now why is it my favourite? There are many, many amazing parts of this book and there are some 
not quite as amazing parts too, but this is the main reason I love it. Most of the book is just Harry and his friends hanging out, going to classes, having their own little mundane teenagery problems, playing quidditch and just being regular little underage wizards at a wizarding boarding school. Sure, there are some battles and Voldemort-y things which I love too, but I really love just reading about regular (or as regular as it gets aroung Harry) life at Hogwarts. 

That's part of the problem I had with the Percy Jackson series and the Heroes of Olympus Series. The action never seemed to stop! I would have enjoyed the books a lot more if we had seen more of life at Camp Half-Blood or on the Argo 2. Just all the characters interacting and having fun and getting into fights and stuff. I know there is a little bit of it, but I really think there should have been more. Anyway, back to Harry Potter. 

One thing I don't like about #6 is Harry's obsession with Draco Malfoy. It gets annoying. I can relate to Hermione and Ron about that. However, all of book 5's whiny-ness and wizard angst is mostly over with, which is good, and book 6, in my opinion, is the funniest book. Plus there's all the *spoiler*, *spoiler*, and *spoiler* drama, which I really enjoy reading about for some reason. I also love book 6 because you learn a lot more about Voldemort and his backstory which I love and find very interesting. It answers many questions while giving you new ones. 

 A reason some people tell me I shouldn't have book 6 as my favourite is because *spoiler* dies. Well, you know what people? That was a very well written, dramatic, and surprising part of the story, as well as a VERY VERY IMPORTANT PLOT POINT THAT WILL PROVE TO BE CRUCIAL AND ALSO VERY SAD!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I don't like that there was that particular death, but just because a beloved character dies does't mean the book can't be good or a favourite! 

Anyways, I am now going to begrudingly move on from Harry Potter. 

I really liked all the pictures you put at the end of your last post a lot. I really want that guys hobby too, old interesting pictures are the best.

I don't know if we've decided on a name yet. I need a bit more time to think about it. 

Question for you! If you had to pick one, what is your favourite Harry Potter book and why do you like it so much? What are its good qualities and its bad qualities? 


Beth's blog: http://beth.120crayons.com/

*Edit* Something I just noticed after I published this post: I really love using brackets in my post titles. 

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Hannah! Please tell your Dad to get with the program and read this series or I will tell him every plot twist and character death I can think of. Thank you. (LOVE the VlogBrothers)
